Collector Car Call To Action

Collector Car Call To Action

Given the events of the last two years that ultimately led to the demise of Pontiac, there is no doubt that our little corner of the collector-car hobby knows what loss feels like. Many of the same forces in our government that contributed to the early retirement of GM's Performance Division have been actively trying to reduce our rights and activities as collector-car and musclecar owners.
Not only are our new Pontiacs gone, but some elected officials in state and federal governments would like to see our vintage Pontiacs gone too.
Let's not wave the white flag, however, because like everything else in life, there are two sides to the story. For every senator or congressman who would like to see us all ride bicycles to the cruise-in, there are other legislators who appreciate what our collector Pontiacs mean to American history, the economy, and us.

And there are organizations like the Specialty Equipment Market Association, better known as SEMA, which picked up the gauntlet in 1997 to fight for our rights as collector-car hobbyists, via the SEMA Action Network. What follows is SEMA's take on the current issues facing our hobby, and what we can do to ensure our rights are protected and voices are heard, from the state legislatures to Capitol Hill.

What The Sema Action Network (SAN) Does
The SAN is a partnership between enthusiasts, vehicle clubs, and members of the specialty automotive-parts industry in the U.S. and Canada who have joined forces to promote hobby-friendly legislation and oppose unfair laws. With nearly 40,000 members, 3 million contacts, and an ability to reach 30 million hobbyists through print and press, the SAN is the premier organization defending the rights of the vehicle hobby. The SAN is free to join with no obligations or commitments.
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