Dennis Mitosinka's Classic Car Appraisals
619 E. Fourth Street
Santa Ana, CA 92701
(714) 953-5303
(45 miles from us)
AAG - Auto Appraisal Group Thomas Peluso - Agent
19 Las Cruces
Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688
(800) 848-2886 Office
(949) 888-5057 Home
(60 miles from us)
Collectible Auto Appraisal Service Jerry James - Appraiser
917 Harvard Avenue
Claremont, CA 91711
(909) 626-4901
Res. (909) 626-3646
(15 miles from us)
California Dream Cars Robert Patricca - Appraiser
18441 Parthenia Place
Northridge, CA 91325
(818) 718-9654
(72 miles from us)
For additional appraisers and inspectors see Hemmings Motor News, Old Car Weekly and all of the Trader Publications relating to collectible cars.
While all the above have proved to be knowledgeable professionals, I do not endorse, recommend or suggest any of these agents and encourage you to call them or any other you may select, to find one that meets your need.
Characteristically they perform an in depth inspection of the vehicle inside, outside, underside, photograph it and do a test-drive. They write written reports with digital photographs included then mail or e-mail them to you.
The cost of their services varies, based on the distance they travel and time spent with vehicle. They start at approx. $125 for an inspection and verbal phone report to you, and go up from there if you wish a written report with photos. I assist them by making prompt appointments, day or night and offer lifts, tools, lighting or any other inspection equipment they may require.
While this added expense to you may seem unnecessary, it is money well spent when the vehicle you acquire rolls off that delivery truck just as you had it described to you, and you will have no disappointments.